January 17, 2025

Diner Food

Iskusni Majstori Hrane

Quantum Cookbook Review

The Quantum Cookbook is one of those products that could easily fall into the realm of new age mumbo jumbo. It is based around using the law of attraction in your life and the power of your thoughts to manifest good stuff.

So, what do you get in the Quantum Cookbook?

Well, unusually for an internet product, it arrives through the post on two CDs. They contain a number of audio files to support the main course as well as a PDF that goes through the law of attraction and how to use it to manifest things into your life.

The law of attraction is kind-off nebulous.

The main principle is what you think about will turn up in your life, whether you want it to or not. Which means that you need to make sure that the things you put your attention on are the things you actually want.

The Quantum Cookbook goes into some of the scientific background for this. Fortunately it doesn’t go into depth on subjects like quantum physics although, as you may guess from the title, the two are actually closely related.

Instead it goes into the small details that are often missed in other law of attraction courses.

For instance, the movie The Secret implies that simply sitting and watching the movie and then “vibrating” (i.e. thinking) in a certain way is sufficient to make your wildest dreams come true.

Now, in your heart of hearts, you know that isn’t really the case but you still want to believe that. Then you get disappointed when the promises aren’t delivered.

Quantum Cookbook is different.

It has its feet firmly on the ground. Bradley Thompson takes a pragmatic approach and uses plenty of real life examples of attracting items to keep you on track.

Crucially, the book gets you to start small. Our society nowadays is almost totally focussed on immediacy. We want fast food, fast everything. We just want it now!

Which is great for small things attracted via the law of attraction. They’re easy enough for the universe to deliver. Which is why the Quantum Cookbook gets you started with these smaller items.

Your mind is probably skeptical at the moment. But when you put the ideas that this book gives you into practice you’ll actually manifest things fast. I followed one of the early exercises and got the desired result within 24 hours. Which was a nice reinforcement mechanism for me and gave me the encouragement to carry on to attract bigger things.

The other main component of the Quantum Cookbook are the audio files. There are several pre-recorded guided meditations that you can listen to whenever you need to boost your focus on manifesting. They’re not long and drawn out, so you can listen to them in a lunch hour and still get time to eat.

There are also some audio recordings with some of the stars of the movie The Secret. These are designed to give you the kind of inside knowledge kick start that the movie promised but didn’t necessarily always deliver.

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