February 14, 2025

Diner Food

Iskusni Majstori Hrane

Where Does Bubble Tea in New York and New Jersey Originate From?

Bubble Tea aka Boba Tea’s original origins come from the “Chun Shui Tang” Shop in Taiwan during the early 1980’s. The founder – Liu Han-Chieh was observing how Japanese folk would serve cold coffee and applied the same concept but to his iced tea. Liu Han-Chieh also, claimed that while dabbling with tea – using cold milk and adding an array of different flavored syrups, fruits and tapioca pearls, he created Bubble Tea.

In the 1990’s it became really popular across different areas in East and Southeast Asia…

It has many names. Some of the other names often used for this beverage include:

  • Boba
  • Pearl Milk
  • Bubble Milk
  • Boba Juice
  • Tapioca
  • Momi Milk
  • Q
  • Boba Nai Chai
  • Milk
  • Pearl
  • and a ton more!

In 2006 Bubble Tea in New York City and New Jersey was established by Gong Cha, which happens to be one of the most reputable brands worldwide. In fact, Gong Cha in New York City and New Jersey holds the highest prestige amongst other brands and shops internationally. Gong Cha is well known in the industry and by consumers for its quality teas and impeccable service.

Gong Cha Shops were first founded in 2006 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Gong Cha immersed immensely into the Bubble Tea market and conquered it with their premium, quality teas and other products and services offered by Gong Cha in New York City and in New Jersey shops.

Gong Cha in Taiwanese means “tribute tea for the emperor,” which is an ideal name for such a highly successful and regarded brand, which caters and takes pride in their products and the services they offer to their loyal customers.

The fact of the matter is that Bubble Tea has made its way into popular culture in the streets of New York City and New Jersey. It is considered to be a street food. However, one of the very cool things about Bubble Tea in New York City and in New Jersey is that it’s bridging cultures as Bubble Tea becomes more accessible to the public.

Bubble Tea comes in an array of fruit flavors. You can choose from a variety of teas. Moreover, you can either take it with or without milk. In addition, you can also, choose the type of syrup you would like in your tea and you can either add jelly or tapioca pearls into your beverage. However, it is recommended that you try your first Bubble Tea with tapioca pearls, as the tapioca pearls are what made a complete sensation in Taiwan to begin with.

Originally, It was mainly drank by school kids in Taiwan. Though, that is not the case anymore, especially in New York City and in New Jersey, with Gong Cha shops in the areas – where many adults indulge themselves in flavor filled Bubble Tea. These are served with oddly, thick straws, which were designed to scoop up the tapioca pearls or jelly.

Bubble Tea in New York City and in New Jersey happens to be one of the most popular teas in their shops, because Gong Cha shops is well known for its great quality and taste. Gong Cha in New York City and New Jersey shops serve Bubble Tea with organic milk, homemade syrups and other natural and healthy alternatives, which will make your drink extremely healthy, while remaining favorable and more than pleasant to drink. At Gong Cha USA located in New York City & New Jersey – customers can select the sugar levels they want in their drink.

Other Facts About Bubble Tea in New York City and New Jersey:

Asides from tapioca balls you can also, add jelly, pudding or popping. For Puddings – the whole pudding can be blended into the drink, rather than adding a flavor.

An essential part of Bubble Tea is milk. You can choose from an array of milks. Would you like dairy or non-dairy? Or you can add:

  • Soy Milk.
  • Almond Milk.
  • Coconut Milk
  • Lactose Free Creamers.

At Gong Cha shops in New York City and in New Jersey you can be certain that you’re being served fresh, dairy products and not those out of a can, such as evaporated or condensed milk.

At Gong Cha Shops Pick Your Choice of Tea! You Can Choose From an Assortment of Teas – Which Include the Following:

  1. Green Tea
  2. Oolong
  3. Pu-erh
  4. Chai
  5. Black Tea
  6. and many more!

Many of these contain EGCG, which is an antioxidant typically found in green tea, which boosts your metabolism and releases belly fat cells and increases the liver’s fat burning abilities.

You can have your tea entirely customized in a fashion that is entirely healthy. Check out Gong Cha shops in New York City and New Jersey, which offer the most healthiest alternatives to Bubble Tea.

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