January 17, 2025

Diner Food

Iskusni Majstori Hrane

What Tea Has More Theine

If you want to know which tea has more theine, you just have to see this article. It’s just a matter of reading this note to see how much caffeine there is in your favorite beverage. Do not miss it!

Well, this stimulant (which for the case is the same as caffeine), can have an impact on your health if you are irritable. But it is also true that you may want something that leaves you awake and ready to continue the day. For that reason, continue reading and discover which tea has more theine.

From highest to lowest
Black tea According to the variety, the zone of origin that has the tea and the time of infusion, the black tea usually has between 30 and 50 milligrams of theine per cup. And even more if you let it rest for a while. Surely it is the best option in a breakfast, if you need to wake up a little.

The red tea The pu-erh is a fermented tea, which has undergone its good processing time and has a certain degree of caffeine. You can get to find around 20-30 mg of theine per cup.

The oolong tea. This blue tea, as it is known, has the characteristic of being halfway between black tea and green tea. But in quantities of theine is not so close to the first. Usually present about 15-20 milligrams for each cup you go to drink from it.

Green tea It is a fresh tea, fragrant, herbal, without fermentation and with a low percentage of caffeine or theine. That’s why it’s one of the teas with less theine. It usually has around 5-10 milligrams of theine per cup.

The white tea A super light tea, young, fresh, without fermentation and made from sprouts. Its subtlety also coincides with its low level of theine. That is, if you want to wake up at a breakfast, this is not the indicated infusion, it contains between 1 and 5 milligrams of this stimulant per cup.

Other issues you should keep in mind

Do not abuse the theine. Remember that it is not recommended to consume more than 300 milligrams of caffeine per day. That is, you can drink a few cups of tea without affecting your health, far from it. Obviously, as long as you have allowed the consumption of this substance, being that you are not hypertensive, allergic, or irritable to it.

A method to lower the theine. On the other hand, remember that there is always a very simple method of greatly reducing the caffeine content in tea. And it consists of preparing a first infusion, always with tea in strands, throw it and reinfuse the tea with water.

Give the rooibos a chance. If you like red tea and do not want to drink theine, try this great infusion of an African bush, which has very similar properties and taste, without containing this substance in any way.

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